Had to share it


Two people have been left with severe burns after their home-made Star Wars light sabre exploded and showered them in petrol.

Mark Webb and Shelley Mandiville are thought to have filled a fluorescent tube with fuel to imitate the screen weapon.

But their clothing caught fire during the mock fight in woodland near Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, leaving Mr Webb with 40% burns.

Police said both he and Ms Mandiville, 17, were in a critical condition in hospital in Chelmsford, Essex.

A spokesman said fire crews called to the woodland found the pair on the ground.
Police think they had been filming themselves at the time.

The latest Star Wars film, Revenge of the Sith, opened in Britain and the United States last week.

It broke the record for a single day's profits in North America, raking in a massive £27.5m.


Lupin The Great said…
Person wearing Darth Vader mask robs Springfield theater
May 22, 2005 (SPRINGFIELD, Ill.) — Authorities say they haven't made any arrests in last night's robbery of a Springfield movie theater.

Springfield police Lieutenant Dave Dodson says a man wearing a Darth Vader mask walked into the Showplace Eight theater around nine-15 p-m last night. He says the man shoved an employee out of the way and grabbed an undetermined amount of cash before running out of the theater and into a nearby wooded area.

No weapons were displayed.

Dodson says no arrests have been made and police do not have any suspects.

Among the movies playing at Showplace Eight is "Star Wars: Episode Three-Revenge of the Sith."

(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)