Since when did 'Gangster Chic' become synonymous with 'Laundry Day?' You've seen these jokers walking down the street in their grubby track suits, runners and scoop-necked wife-beaters, wearing gaudy gold, and diamond Jesus hangers.
Man, these guys look more like they should be in line for double soup Tuesday at the homeless shelter than the 'Made Men' that they are supposed to be.
To all of you badly dressed gangsters out there, I have two words: SILK SUIT!
If I see any more of you Goodfellas walking around in jogging clothing, I'm gonna start to believe that crime doesn't actually pay. And that would be a shame.
So remember, only one person in the universe looks good in Velour, and that's Zap Brannigan!
"It's like there's a party in my mouth, and everyone's throwing up!"
-Philip J. Fry
Man, these guys look more like they should be in line for double soup Tuesday at the homeless shelter than the 'Made Men' that they are supposed to be.
To all of you badly dressed gangsters out there, I have two words: SILK SUIT!
If I see any more of you Goodfellas walking around in jogging clothing, I'm gonna start to believe that crime doesn't actually pay. And that would be a shame.
So remember, only one person in the universe looks good in Velour, and that's Zap Brannigan!
"It's like there's a party in my mouth, and everyone's throwing up!"
-Philip J. Fry