- The Nashville Predators are an “elite” team in the NHL.
- Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell. Geeze Mr. Loaf, if hell was so boring, why the return trip?
- Edmonton Oilers and Oilerfan. Nice MULLET!
- Al Gore. Do you really think you can convince people living in a part of the country that has NINE MONTHS of cold weather a year that global warming is anything more than specious science and a scam to sell DVD’s?
- Shakira isn’t my girlfriend
- The CRTC.
- People suing fast food companies because they are fat, lazy fucks that think big corporations owe them because they are fat, lazy fucks! Grab a salad fatty!!!!
- The NBA. Has there ever been a professional sports league with more thugs, gangsters, and arrogant assholes than this? The answer is NO.
- Poker on Sportsnet HD. Poker in High Definition? When there is a hockey game on the low def channel? Are you fucking kidding me? Since I’m going on about non-sports let toss these two out there: Golf and Curling*. I constantly hear people refer to these two GAMES as “sports.” They are NOT SPORTS! Any games you can play while drinking, like golf and curling, are just that: GAMES. I can sit around on my ASS and play video games for hours and drink while doing it, therefore gaming is not a sport. Get it?
* By the way, Scottish blokes who wanted something to keep busy at while drinking invented both Golf and Curling.
- Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell. Geeze Mr. Loaf, if hell was so boring, why the return trip?
- Edmonton Oilers and Oilerfan. Nice MULLET!
- Al Gore. Do you really think you can convince people living in a part of the country that has NINE MONTHS of cold weather a year that global warming is anything more than specious science and a scam to sell DVD’s?
- Shakira isn’t my girlfriend
- The CRTC.
- People suing fast food companies because they are fat, lazy fucks that think big corporations owe them because they are fat, lazy fucks! Grab a salad fatty!!!!
- The NBA. Has there ever been a professional sports league with more thugs, gangsters, and arrogant assholes than this? The answer is NO.
- Poker on Sportsnet HD. Poker in High Definition? When there is a hockey game on the low def channel? Are you fucking kidding me? Since I’m going on about non-sports let toss these two out there: Golf and Curling*. I constantly hear people refer to these two GAMES as “sports.” They are NOT SPORTS! Any games you can play while drinking, like golf and curling, are just that: GAMES. I can sit around on my ASS and play video games for hours and drink while doing it, therefore gaming is not a sport. Get it?
* By the way, Scottish blokes who wanted something to keep busy at while drinking invented both Golf and Curling.
-Usually a low life thug from Oakland.
-Swears constantly.
-Tends to drive Camaro's, 300s or the new Charger or a shitty truck.
-Has his hat on backwards if white, dressed ghetto gangster if black.
-You can usually hear them on the freeway before you see them because of the bass vibrating their windows.
-Drinks Bud Lite.
The Raider Nation can kiss my ass.
We play that particular sport while drinking; yet atheletic ability is a definite must...