Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Directed by Dave Filoni
Man, Star Wars fandom are a fickle bunch, well US American Star Wars fandom anyways, judging by how few went out to see this flick this weekend on the big screen.
Lets get the B.S. over with first, I know this is just the first three episodes of the new TV series re-edited into a 95minute flick. This DID NOT have even a quarter the budget of something like Ratatouille so lets not even make such a ridonkulous comparison. In other words, all you haters out there living in your parent's basements blogging on rotten tomatos with the "brilliant" observation that "the animation sucks" can just shut your drooling trogladitic traps right now beacause I don't want to hear it.
As a kid when I first saw Star Wars, I always wished that some day there would be a cartoon series made. In the mid eighties we got Droids, and Ewoks shows that lets be honest, were less than stellar. Then came the Clone Wars Micro-Series, this was more like it! Action, adventure, and most of all, FUN seemed to have returned to Star Wars on the small screen.
Which brings me back to this flick: I loved it. I loved it because I love Star wars and I love cartoons. Especially cartoons with lots of explosions in them. If you don't like either Star Wars, or cartoons, then you will not like this, it's that simple. It was pretty much everything I was expecting, except for maybe a stronger plot, but it still managed to get me even more charged up for the new TV series debuting this fall. What more could you want? This flick is FUN, and arguably better than Phantom Menace, so you can't really go wrong.
Star Wars: Clone Wars gets THREE exploding battle droids out of FIVE.
Directed by Dave Filoni
Man, Star Wars fandom are a fickle bunch, well US American Star Wars fandom anyways, judging by how few went out to see this flick this weekend on the big screen.
Lets get the B.S. over with first, I know this is just the first three episodes of the new TV series re-edited into a 95minute flick. This DID NOT have even a quarter the budget of something like Ratatouille so lets not even make such a ridonkulous comparison. In other words, all you haters out there living in your parent's basements blogging on rotten tomatos with the "brilliant" observation that "the animation sucks" can just shut your drooling trogladitic traps right now beacause I don't want to hear it.
As a kid when I first saw Star Wars, I always wished that some day there would be a cartoon series made. In the mid eighties we got Droids, and Ewoks shows that lets be honest, were less than stellar. Then came the Clone Wars Micro-Series, this was more like it! Action, adventure, and most of all, FUN seemed to have returned to Star Wars on the small screen.
Which brings me back to this flick: I loved it. I loved it because I love Star wars and I love cartoons. Especially cartoons with lots of explosions in them. If you don't like either Star Wars, or cartoons, then you will not like this, it's that simple. It was pretty much everything I was expecting, except for maybe a stronger plot, but it still managed to get me even more charged up for the new TV series debuting this fall. What more could you want? This flick is FUN, and arguably better than Phantom Menace, so you can't really go wrong.
Star Wars: Clone Wars gets THREE exploding battle droids out of FIVE.
Mind you, I've not seen it, nor do I want to, the last three movies killed any desire to see anything else Star Wars for me forever.
Star TREK forever!! \\///
Metacritic you say? I don't care to know what a bunch of twelve year old kids think of the flick, which is why I never read any flick reviews but my own... and Mcbain's.
Funny thing I was just thinking that the voice actors that play Anakin and Asoka manage more chemistry between them in this short flick than Hayden and Portman can over the course of two movies!
Remember, Star trek without Shatner sucks Donkey Balls!
I was expecting something aimed at the same 12-18 year old age group like the original trilogy, but this seemed aimed at 8-12 year olds.
When I watch the series, I will keep this in mind and enjoy it a lot more. I also hope the quality of the animation improves, as new software comes out.
I tend to suffer from "hypemania" sometimes and end up getting dissapointed with things that don't live up to my own inflated expectations. You are right though, if I think about what the target age is supposed to be and try to look at it through those eyes I may enjoy the TV series a little more.