Another Brutally Honest Flick Review By The Jaeger


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Futurama Vol. 5
on blu-ray is a good, not great collection of thirteen episodes from the newly un-cancelled series, first broadcast on Comedy Central in USAmerica. Highlights include “The Late Philip J. Fry” where the Professor invents a one-way time machine that transports Fry, bender and himself farther into the future than anyone has ever travelled with no hope of ever returning to the past, and “Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences” that has alien leader Lrrr facing a mid-life crisis after yet another bungled invasion of Earth.

There are certainly no Emmy Award winning episodes in Futurama Vol. 5, such as season four’s “Jurassic Bark,” among the bunch and therein lies the problem. Matt Groening, and David X. Cohen presumably KNEW the show was coming back for over a year, and this was the best they could come up with? One would think that with the extra prep time involved, as well as the hacking down of the season to a mere thirteen episodes we would have been given something freaking spectacular! Alas, what we end up with is more or less just okay. It certainly doesn’t suck, far from it, but it doesn’t stop me from wondering if this was the best they could do, then why bother to come back at all?

The PQ and AQ on the other hand are simply awesome. The 1080p AVC encoded transfer is gorgeous making the animation freaking POP like never before, and the 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio does its job well and doesn’t disappoint.

The collection of extras on the two-disc set isn’t nearly as sizeable as one would hope after such a long hiatus, but is decent enough. The highlights being the thirteen full-length audio commentaries, and the original video comic book “The Adventures of Delivery-Boy Man” scribbled and performed by Philip J. Fry.

In the final analysis, Futurama Vol. 5 is a welcome blu-ray release that includes a beautiful 1080p transfer and exceptional sound even if it is a bit lacking in the extras department, and the flimsy-ass cardboard packaging sucks donkey balls.

Futurama Vol. 5 gets Three cigar chomping Benders out of Five.
