May Long Part 2

By the end of the first beer, the girls had the tent up,
Paco had quite a respectable pile of wood going. Kate and Sara were standing under an umbrella, working on the
second two-litre bottle of Rockaberry, mercilessly teasing the boys
regarding their apparent ineptitude at what should by all rights have been an
extremely simple task.
Hunter stood up, tossing his empty can of beer into the
recycle bag and grabbed another from the massive cooler, as Bill attempted to
light a cigarette, his disposable Bic sparking impotently. Hunter shivered and pulled open the side
door of the motor-home and stomped inside.
Bill threw his useless lighter into the surrounding greenery in disgust,
and carefully put the bent cigarette back into the package he had apparently
sat on and crushed at some point since their arrival on site. He looked at the flattened package of du
Maurier King Size, and exhaled, shaking his head. Why didn’t I think to bring more than one pack of smokes? They hadn’t been camping more than an hour
and already Bill was looking forward to getting back to the city.

“Hello Sweetie!”
Hunter was dreading this moment. It had been years since he had last seen Catelyn. Well, years since he had actually spoken
to her. Technically he had seen
her back in March when he and Paco and Bill were out wasting time at the
downtown Eaton Centre Mall. The
boys were heading up the escalator when Bill spotted Kate looking at the window
display of one of the shoe stores.
“Ah, fuck,” Hunter grumbled under his breath as he looked
for an escape route. He turned left at
the top of the escalator just as Paco was calling out to get her
attention. Hunter jumped on to the
escalator to level 3 and shielded his face from view with the collar of his
coat, then peaked back over his shoulder like some kind of half-assed secret
agent. All he needed was a newspaper
with eye-holes cut in it and he would be laughing. Bill and Paco seemed to
be having a wonderfully animated discussion with Kate, who in turn reached into
her shoulder bag and pulled out (please let it be mace!) a business card
(damn it!) that she scribbled something on to the back of. Hunter tripped at the stepping off point and
stumbled into a grey-stripped suit with his ear glued to a huge brick of a Motorola
“‘Scuse me,” Hunter muttered as he rushed over to the
railing to espy the proceedings in front of the shoe store from what he
considered to be a “safe” distance.
Looking down, it seemed to Hunter the conversation was ending when
Catelyn said something. Bill shrugged,
while ever helpful Paco looked around, spotted Hunter above and to their left,
spoke, then helpfully ratted Hunter out to her. She seemed to roll her eyes, then shook her head. Hunter stood back from the railing and
walked to the “down” escalators. When
he caught up with the boys there was no sign of Kate, much to his relief.
“You just had to point out where I was trying to hide eh?”
Paco threw a dismissive hand into the air, “Ah,
Almost three months had passed, and now Hunter was sitting
shotgun in an RV, with two soft, well manicured hands covering his eyes.
“Sweetie eh?”
Kate took her hands from his eyes, and smiled mischievously,
“Yeah, I know. I haven’t called you
that in years.”
Hunter agreed, “I think the last thing I remember you
calling me was… ‘bastard!’”
Kate wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders, moving
in closer, “Well you know me, I’ll always forgive, but-“
Hunter finished her sentence, “Never forget.” He turned around in his seat, and looked up
at Kate, finally seeing her for the first time in years.
* * *
The door rattled and creaked open and Bill stepped into the
gloom of the RV. He looked at Hunter
sulking in the booth, arms crossed, a scowl on his face. Outside, Paco was still chopping wood, he
now had a pile three feet high and five feet long.
Bill popped the top on his Molson XXX, “What’s going
Hunter took a sip of his beer, “I’m sitting down, to enjoy
my holiday.”
“Well get your ass outside, we gotta start a fire.”
“A fire? We may as
well sit around a cigarette!”
“We get a fire going and you’ll warm up. Besides we can’t let the girls do
everything! Lighting a fire will at
least show them we’re not completely worthless.”
This seemed to perk Hunter up some, “You’re right. Lets do this thing!”
“That’s the spirit!”
Twenty minutes later and the drizzle had long since abated,
but Bill and Hunter were no closer to solving their fire problem. Additionally, and unfortunately the very second
the drizzle stopped, the BUGS came out.
By the millions. All of them
seemingly ravenous for Human flesh.
Mosquitoes, biting flies of every kind, hornets and wasps, all of them
seemed to emerge from their hidey-holes with one thing burning in their
collective mind; to accost and therefore drive Hunter and Bill absolutely
stark-raving mad.
Five minutes of swatting, waving, and spitting the bugs from
his mouth was just about enough for Hunter.
Bill seemed to have given up on the fire for the moment and was
chanting: “There are no bugs there is only Bill,” over and over like a
mantra. It wasn’t helping to keep the
insects away. Hunter sprinted back to
the RV and fumbled through his rucksack for the insect repellent. It was a tiny clear plastic bottle with a
green spritzer on top and green writing.
Hunter smiled and made his way back to the fire pit.
Bill looked down at the tiny bottle and was doubtful, “You
sure there’s enough of that stuff to last the weekend?”
Hunter swatted at another mosquito, ‘It doesn’t take a
lot. This, my droogan brother is Muskol™. Its main active ingredient is Deet, and it
contains the absolute highest amount of Deet available by law. It’s actually banned in three states!”
“And we’re gonna put this… chemical on our skin?”
“I never said it was banned in Alberta.”
Bill swatted at another mosquito buzzing incessantly in his
ear, “All right give it here.” He
snatched the bottle from Hunter and started spritzing the insect repellent on
to the palms of his hands, he then rubbed it onto his face and neck, before
proceeding with covering the rest of his bare skin with the stuff. He finished with a quick spritz over his
clothes, then Hunter did the same. When
finished he offered it to the girls and Paco but was surprised when they told
him the bugs didn’t seem to be bothering them.
Bill was silently annoyed by this revelation, as it didn’t seem at all
fair that the bugs only had a taste for the flesh and blood of Hunter and
Then it was back to the fire situation. Bill wadded up some paper and threw some
twigs on top and was lighting match after match and throwing them on to the
pile of “kindling” hoping something would catch. This was clearly not working, and both he and Hunter knew they
needed a different plan of attack.
“You know what we need?”
Bill said to no one in particular.
“Like, more paper?” Sara suggested.
Bill wasn’t expecting and answer, “What? No darlin’ not more paper, we require an
“Ah,” Hunter nodded knowingly, “Paco!”
Paco was finally sitting down in a chair under the RV’s
awning relaxing. He was swigging from a
bottle of Canadian Club rye whiskey, and reading “My Cousin, My
Gastroenterologist” by Mark Leyner.
“What?” He barked,
not looking up from his book.
“You got any lighter fluid, or something?”
“It’s under the sink.”
When Hunter returned with the greasy tin of so-called
“odourless” Kingsford Charcoal Lighter Bill snatched it from him and
began soaking the paper and wood in the pit.
When he thought he used enough, he tossed the tin back to Hunter who,
not ready for the throw, juggled it for a few tense seconds before gaining
control, and putting it down on the picnic table.
Bill had the matches out, one of them primed to strike,
Hunter nodded, “Do it!”
He did.

“Oh, come on!!”
Hunter snarled upon returning to the pit, dropping his bundle of logs.
Bill threw his sticks to the ground in disgust, “Well I’m
all outta ideas!”
Sara wiped the rain from the picnic table bench and sat down
in a huff. “Come on guys! It’s getting cold again!”
Kate was standing back by the tent with the black and red
umbrella sitting on her shoulder. She
took one last puff from her Pall Mall and flicked the butt into the
pit. She snapped the brolly closed with
the flick of her wrist, gave it a quick shake and had it zipped up and closed
in a matter of seconds. She stepped
over to the fire pit, removed her white smoking gloves and went to work. She quickly gathered up several small, thin
pieces of wood from around the stump Paco was using to chop, then set them up
in a tee-pee shape in the middle of the fire pit.
“Paper.” She said,
and Bill tossed her a crumpled piece of Wednesday’s Calgary Sun
newspaper from the picnic table. Kate un-crumpled
it, tore it in half, then carefully placed it on top of the small pile of
kindling twigs she had piled under the tee-pee of wood only seconds
before. Quick as a flash she had her Zippo
out from one of the leather pouches on her belt and was lighting the kindling
and paper in several spots. She leaned
in and blew into the kindling three or four times, and in less than thirty
seconds had the fire going well enough to add some bigger pieces of wood. She stood up straight, and brushed the grit
from her hands.
“And, that boys is how you build a proper fire. Now which one of you is going to fetch me a
Hunter and Bill almost fell over each other running to the
A low chortle, followed by a loud guffaw came from the
direction of the RV. Paco put his book
down, then took a swig of whiskey, “You guys really are a couple of fakking
pussies aren’t you?”
Bill and Hunter stood with a can of beer in each of their
hands, and looked at each other for a moment before the thought occurred to
them that perhaps Paco was right.
Next time: a BIG fire!
More Drinking! And Catelyn
reveals to Hunter the real reason why she came camping with them! All this and less! Be here in February for part 3 of Lond Ho Adventures:
May Long!