Doctor Who: Rose New Series Story No. 01
Directed by Keith Boak
Ordinary, middle class London shop girl Rose Tyler (Billie
Piper) is taking care of some end of the day drudgery when she is set upon by
the Autons, creepy living mannequins, and servants of the Nestine
Consciousness. Seconds before death, a
mysterious stranger calling himself The Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) takes
her hand, and together they begin the adventure of a lifetime.
From the opening FX shot where we pan down from orbit all
the way to the busy London streets we know we in for something new, something
special. It was 2005 and the “wilderness years” had finally
come to an end and Doctor Who was back on television in the UK and
Canada thanks to Russell T. Davies.
It was a comeback that almost didn’t happen, and wouldn’t
have if Michael Grade (the BBC bureaucrat who exterminated Doctor Who in
the 1980s) and his cronies had their way, and their attempts to scupper the
project before it began had succeeded.
Fortunately for us, and due to the tireless efforts of Russell T.
Davies, Jane Tranter, Julie Gardner, and others, Michael Grade’s latest attempt
to destroy Doctor Who failed and the series returned. A more detailed analysis of the struggles
behind the programmes return to television can be read in Doctor Who Magazine
#463, and #464, as well as the 23min documentary, Doctor Forever! – The
Unquiet Dead that can be found on the recently released Special Edition of The
Green Death.
When I first heard of Doctor Who’s return to telly I
found myself both excited, and more than a wee bit nervous. If the programme had returned and was
indistinguishable from the original (now classic) series how could it possibly
last? In the 21st century is
there really room anymore for cheap, multi-camera, studio based serial sci-fi
drama? Would the tightwad BBC actually
give the show a chance by giving it the kind of money it deserved? And what about the most important thing, the
casting? Who would play the new Doctor
Well eight years on the answers are obvious, Russell T.
Davies brought the programme into the 21st century by making the
show faster, more intense, and absolutely refusing to accept the old, stuffy
BBC adage of “good enough for Doctor Who.” Taking his cue from shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer,
and Smallville, RTD gave us fast paced, character driven stories told in
a slick 45min package. Christopher
Eccleston was fantastic as The Doctor, and I fell in love with Billie Piper as
Rose Tyler. Doctor Who was back,
and better than ever.
Doctor Who: Rose (as all of NewWho up to the end of
the fourth series) was shot in Digital SD at 16:9 aspect ratio, and looks
decent enough, especially when up-converted to 1080p. It may be of interest to note here that the complete new series
1-7 is soon to be released on blu-ray, with series 1-4 professionally
up-converted to 1080p, so if you don’t
own any of this material yet, you might want to wait for this special set. The audio is a decent Dolby Digital 5.1
Surround mix that while it won’t blow up your home theatre, it’s certainly
adequate for the material.
The New Series also gave us a new delivery system to get
DVDs into the fan’s hot little hands.
This review is from the DVD box set, Doctor Who The Complete First
Series Collectors Edition. This set
has a heap of extras including audio commentaries on every episode featuring
writers, directors, producers, special effects artists, and actors. Every disc also includes episode specific
special features, and last but not least a whole disc dedicated to the “making
of” series Doctor Who Confidential.
Unfortunately for North American fans, these episodes are “cut down”
versions of the actual documentaries that the UK fans got to see, with all
scenes from the Classic Series, and some musical cues edited out, which means
each one clocks in at between 10 and 12mins a piece as opposed to the 22mins of
the original broadcasts.
Why should you revisit this episode? Besides it being the first story of an all
new era of Doctor Who, it also includes a nod to the past with Robert
Holmes’ Autons last seen in the 1971 Classic Series story Terror of the
Autons. It’s also interesting from
a historic point of view to see how the programme has changed over the last
eight years going from the more “grounded” Russell T. Davies years to the more
“fanciful” direction Steven Moffat has taken the show in the last three series.
Doctor Who: Rose gets FOUR alien animated shop
mannequins out of FIVE.