Thoughts on Star Wars Rebels

The recent pictures from New York Toy Fair have given us a glimpse of what some of the characters and space ships will look like when the new Star Wars animated series finally premieres in the fall of 2014, so I decided to give some of my thoughts on what we may or may not get out of this show.

What The Fans Want:
A five season story arc that begins some ten years after the events of Revenge of the Sith that involves Han Solo and Chewbacca in the early days of their friendship, smuggling, roaming the galaxy, meeting all manner of interesting creatures, getting in adventures and sometimes having to deal with various Imperial Entanglements.  Also having run-ins with bounty hunters like Boba Fett, and other smugglers, space pirates, and baddies.  The overall arc borrows from the Brian Daly books but isn’t a slave to them, and leaves off with Han and Chewie on Tatooine in the Mos Eisley Cantina.

What We Will Probably Get:
Obi-wan teams up with a young, pre-teen Jedi who was in hiding during Order 66, an alien sidekick of some kind, a wacky droid and a female Twilek (because Dave Filoni seems to love Twileks so much), as they travel the galaxy tracking down and rescuing the literally hundreds of Jedi that escaped The Purge.  At the same time Mon Mothma and her small group of rebel senators bemoan Palpatine’s New Order, but do nothing about it because the Rebel Alliance doesn’t actually win any battles against the Empire until right before A New Hope.   The overall story arc will most likely never be realized because Disney has an appalling track record with animated TV of late, and will most likely cancel the series after one season.

This doesn’t mean I’m not looking forward to seeing what the show is about and what direction it goes, but lets just say I’m not holding my breath for the 100 episodes of awesome sauce that it could be if it was about the adventures of Han Solo and Chewbacca, but who knows, we might just get pleasantly surprised.
