Directed by Darren Aronofsky
Russell Crowe plays the titular character, a 600-year-old
“action-hero" of a madman with delusional visions of the end of the world, by
way of a massive flood caused by rainstorms and all the springs of the great
deep bursting forth. According the
conversations with the creator that he has in his dreams, only he and his
family are worthy of being saved as only they among EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH
are “righteous in this generation.” So
he builds a HUGE 750ft long boat from magically appearing cypress trees and
prepares to fill it with mating pairs of EVERY ANIMAL, BIRD, and BUG on
Earth, and with the help of seraphim shaped like rock golems, defend the ark
against the evil cannibalistic humans led by Tubal-Cain (Ray Winstone) that
wish to take the boat from him.
Ok, firstly the story of Noah in the so-called Old Testament
is pretty short, pretty sketchy, lacking in any real detail and rife with
contradiction. It makes specious, even
ridiculous claims that are by all logic and good sense, absolutely
impossible. It’s not history, it’s
utter fantasy. This movie is also
fantasy. But who cares! If Aronofsky wanted to make a movie based on
the biblical account, it would be a very short movie indeed, so some “padding
out” was certainly required of the source material.
Yeah, so… where to begin… apparently this ancient
civilization of humans has quite a modern sensibility to them. Their clothes, though roughspun, are quite
well tailored, and they also seemed to have quite a wide knowledge of
metallurgy to create not only fabulous swords, daggers and spear-tips, but also
welder masks, shopping carts, machinery of some kind, and oh yeah rocket
launchers. Yes rocket launchers. I shit you not.
It does have a few good ideas however, like how Noah and his
wife (Jennifer Connelly) figure out how to “drug” the animals and put them into
a state of hibernation for the voyage, is a good way to explain away the
obvious problem with the biblical story of how does one feed so many
animals for the year or so that they reside in the ark. It also makes sense that there would be some
people (The army led by Tabul-Cain) that would find Noah, and attempt to escape
the deluge with him either through cooperation, or by force. And with the exception of a few moments of
scenery chewing, and over-acting, the performances are solid, and the flick is
shot beautifully thanks to the work of director of photography Matthew
Aronofski’s flick, in its attempt to be all things to all
people ends up missing the mark on all fronts.
It not only alienates Christians and Jews by dismissing their mythology
as nothing more than magical fantasy, but also by making a movie that in the
end amounts to nothing more than a mediocre actioner, Aronofski alienates movie
fans in general. Honestly, if I wanted
to watch an overly long senseless action flick with wall-to-wall CGI, I would
have watched Transformers: Age of Extinction. It’s a bit of a shame that this wasn’t a better film because I
absolutely loved Aronofski’s The Wrestler, and enjoyed his hauntingly
beautiful Black Swan, and wonder if there wasn’t some studio
interference in the making of Noah.
The good news is, now that Paramount has the “rock monster”
digital assets, maybe they’ll let William Shatner borrow them to so he can
finally “fix” his ending to Star Trek V: The Final Frontier!